Per Outlet Monitoring PDU (POKO/POMO)
The primary function of a Per Outlet Monitoring PDU (Power Distribution Unit) is to allow users to remotely monitor the power consumption of each output. By tracking the power consumption of individual outlets, organizations can identify which devices or equipment are consuming the most power. This data helps in optimizing energy usage, leading to cost savings on electricity bills. For detailed PDU functions, please refer to its data sheet below.
There are two types of PDU product series with different power measurement methods available for Per Outlet Monitoring PDU:
1. POKO Series: Total Power (kWh) and Outlet-level Power (kWh).
2. POMO Series: Total power (kWh) and Outlet-level Current (Amp).
You can select the desired measurement method in the "Measurement" field below to obtain the corresponding PDU list.
Current Measurement
Measure PDU total current consumption
Mail Notification
Notify user by mail and SNMP when outlet action or current over threshold
Environment Detection
Optional accessory probe to detect temperature and humidity.
Overload Protection
When overload, breaker will be tripped to protect the safety of electricity
Event Alert
If current exceeds the preset threshold, PDU will beep and LED will flash
kWh Measurement
Voltage, frequency, PF, active power, apparent power and kWh measurement.
Threshold Sensing
User-definable warning and overload threshold value as the basis for alarm
Central Management
Free centralized monitoring software, real-time monitoring of a large number of PDU